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Utilising Business Toolkit

Our Cyber Security Platform comes complete with the tools required to assess, monitor and address threats identified by our Health Check.

The first step is identifying your Cyber Risk Profile. Navigate to Cyber Security Business Toolkit downdown → Cyber Security Health Check

Once completed you will gain access to your Cyber Risk Dashboard which is located under the Cyber Security Business Toolkit downtown

At the top, you will have your Top 5 To-Dos, each one will have an “Incomplete” status set until you mark the action item completed.

To mark an Action Item as completed you will need to click on one of the arrows for the action item you wish to view, which will load a screen similar to the one below:

From here you can access the Individual topics related to the Action item, as well as the corresponding Health Check question for this Action Item.

To view and mark a topic as complete click on the corresponding arrow to load the topic article and click on Mark complete:

Once you have completed the Action item you can adjust your Health Check questions to address the changes made. As you work through the Action items you will be able to monitor your progress and track your Current Cyber Risk Score from the Cyber Risk Dashboard:

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